Upcoming Events
Free Tax Assistance
Free Tax Assistance
Receive free, high-quality tax preparation services Wednesdays from January 29 to April 3.
Nutritional Cooking Class
Nutritional Cooking Class
We'll cook together, learn how to create balanced meals, and make friends.
Home Hydroponics / Jardinería hidropónica en casa
Home Hydroponics / Jardinería hidropónica en casa
Learn to grow your own food at home with no soil.
Garden Planning / Planificación del jardín
Garden Planning / Planificación del jardín
Learn when to plant outside, what to plants to pair together, and how to design you garden space.
Seed Starting / Inicio de las semillas
Seed Starting / Inicio de las semillas
Join Linda from Grow Local Colorado to learn when to start growing seedlings and how to care for them.
Irrigation 101 / Fundamentos de riego
Irrigation 101 / Fundamentos de riego
James from the Denora Project will teach us about garden irrigation options.
Intro to Composting with Worms / Compostaje con lombrices
Intro to Composting with Worms / Compostaje con lombrices
Join Alyssia from Princess Gardens Worm Farm to learn how to create your own garden fertilizers by composting with worms.
Fertilizers & Nutrients / Fertilizantes y nutrientes
Fertilizers & Nutrients / Fertilizantes y nutrientes
Learn about the nutrients your plants need as Raven teaches us about fertilizers and amendments.
Pest Management (Part 1) / Manejo de Plagas (parte 1)
Pest Management (Part 1) / Manejo de Plagas (parte 1)
Learn to identify and treat for common vegetable plant pests with Karim from CSU Extension.
Juicing Medicinal Plants / Hacer jugo de plantas medicinales
Juicing Medicinal Plants / Hacer jugo de plantas medicinales
Join Beverly from Mo'Betta Green in making juice using medicinal fruits and roots like oranges, turmeric, and ginger.
Container Gardening / Jardinería en contenedores
Container Gardening / Jardinería en contenedores
Let's plant in containers for your patio, porch, or in your home with Becca from Montbello Organizing Committee.
Lacto-Fermentation / Fermentación
Lacto-Fermentation / Fermentación
Join us in learning how to preserve your surplus vegetables using lacto fermentation (just salt!).