Seed Starting / Inicio de las semillas

Metro Caring Indoor Garden 1100 E 18th Avenue, Denver, CO, United States

Join Linda from Grow Local Colorado to learn when to start growing seedlings and how to care for them.


Container Gardening / Jardinería en contenedores

Metro Caring Indoor Garden 1100 E 18th Avenue, Denver, CO, United States

Let's plant in containers for your patio, porch, or in your home with Becca from Montbello Organizing Committee.


Lacto-Fermentation / Fermentación

Metro Caring Indoor Garden 1100 E 18th Avenue, Denver, CO, United States

Join us in learning how to preserve your surplus vegetables using lacto fermentation (just salt!).


Indoor Gardening / Jardinería interior

Metro Caring Indoor Garden 1100 E 18th Avenue, Denver, CO, United States

Learn how to maximize food production in small, indoor spaces.
