Event Series Baby Café

Baby Café

Metro Caring 1100 E. 18th Ave., Denver, CO, United States

Join our weekly lactation support group focused on reducing barriers for those who want to produce milk to feed their baby.

Event Series Baby Café

Baby Café

Metro Caring 1100 E. 18th Ave., Denver, CO, United States

Join our weekly lactation support group focused on reducing barriers for those who want to produce milk to feed their baby.


Container Gardening / Jardinería en contenedores

Metro Caring Indoor Garden 1100 E 18th Avenue, Denver, CO, United States

Let's plant in containers for your patio, porch, or in your home with Becca from Montbello Organizing Committee.


Lacto-Fermentation / Fermentación

Metro Caring Indoor Garden 1100 E 18th Avenue, Denver, CO, United States

Join us in learning how to preserve your surplus vegetables using lacto fermentation (just salt!).
