Community Organizing
Our community does not often see people in positions of leadership who share their experiences and relate to their challenges. At Metro Caring, we offer high-quality training on leadership development, civic engagement, advocacy, media and storytelling, and organizing. When we equip leaders who have experienced hunger with the confidence to use their voice and the space to be heard, our community can be a strong base of advocacy and change.
Our Work
Voices at the Table
This multi-week workshop prepares community leaders with lived experience of hunger to harness their own story into a compelling narrative. Participants learn how to relate their personal experiences to their community, identify the root cause systems that impact their lives, and connect their story to actions people can take now. Graduates of this program have gone on to testify at the Capitol, write letters of support to legislators, collect petition signatures from their community, and speak with members of the media.
Coalitions & Partnerships
Ending hunger in Colorado won’t happen if we work alone. Throughout history, we have won more civil rights and freedoms by working together, from the Civil Rights Movement to marriage equality. We partner with other organizations focused on ending hunger and addressing the root causes to build our movement across the state.
Policy Work
In Colorado, we’ve seen how good policy can improve everyone’s lives, especially people from historically marginalized communities. Healthy School Meals for All makes sure no child goes without lunch at public schools. Double Up Food Bucks supports local farmers by giving SNAP recipients twice the amount of money to spend at a farmer’s market. Joining our community in the fight for better policies like these is a direct path to ending hunger at its root.
Subscribe to our Action Alerts to stay informed of policies and get involved!
Community Stories
Metro Caring’s 2024 Ballot Guide
At Metro Caring, we work to end hunger at its root, which includes addressing local and state policies that impact all of our lives. Voting is a powerful way to make change in your community.
Community leaders determine five key issues for 2024 legislative focus
“Participating in the legislative session is our chance to take action on the root causes of hunger,” says Brizai Gomez Cortes.
Food assistance is being reduced, but hunger remains
Erik Hicks writes to The Colorado Sun on how SNAP reductions are taking power away from families to decide what they need, where they want, and on their own time
Contact the Team
Brizai Gomez Cortes
Lead Community Organizer
Juanita Luevano
Community Organizer
Naomi Lin
Community Organizer