Donate Food

Too often, when people are hungry, they are expected to take whatever is leftover, expired, or cheap. This can lead to diet-related diseases for adults and lower school performance for children. You can help us stock our shelves with fresh, nutritious, and culturally relevant foods for our Fresh Foods Market so that everyone has healthy food to eat. 

Donation Receiving Hours



6:00pm-7:00 pm


*Metro Caring is closed the first Thursday of the month. To drop-off on the first Thursday, please email us to schedule in advance to ensure that someone is here to receive you.

Food & Product Suggestions

We recommend choosing healthy foods that are low in sodium and sugar. 

  • Fruits and vegetables: low-sodium canned veggies, canned fruit in water, sauces (curry, enchilada sauce, pasta sauce), unsweetened applesauce
  • Proteins: canned chicken and tuna, nuts and nut butters, fresh cheeses, meat
  • Grains: paste, flour, masa, rice, oats, whole wheat bread
  • Healthy snacks: popcorn, protein bars, rice cakes
  • Condiments and spices: soy sauce, dried chilis, cooking oil, spices, herbs
  • Hygiene products: toothpaste, toothbrushes, bar soap, body wash, shampoo & conditioner, razors, combs, period products, baby products

We do NOT accept: 

  • Clothing
  • Expired products
  • Furniture
  • Used, opened, or damaged items
  • Items with 9+ grams of sugar per serving (in order to prioritize healthy and fresh options)

Contact the Team

Andrew Borg, he/him/his
Food Access Coordinator

Andrew Borg's headshot. He is wearing his signature Cubs ballcap and a Metro Caring sweater.

Host a Food Drive

Help us fill our shelves by hosting a healthy food drive! Host one at work, in your faith community, or school. Running a healthy food drive is easy and fun! Fill out our Food Drive Form and our team will contact you to review the details.